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Subtitles Are Hard
About Briar

So, you have questions. Well, I might even have answers.

  • Who are you, anyway? Well, I'm Briar or Lily most of the time these days, but you might know me as Inger, Maple, or Pop... or if you know me from the early 90's, Gilden. I'm a grey ace, nb critter-shaped shiny thing in my 40's. Most often these days, I'm an amphimorpho. There are important cuties in my life: Crayola is my partner, Tris is my good girl, and 12 is my good toy/ship, to name a few.
  • What are your favorite greek letters? ΘΔ
  • Why shinies? Why not? Do you question why you are how you are? If you do, well, good! If not, then this is just as self-explanitory for me :)
  • What is the airspeed velocity of an unlaiden swallow? I assume you mean a European swallow. To that end, it's about 10 metres per second. Want proof? Click here to go to a study on the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow.
  • Wow, did you draw [insert name of picture from the gallery]? Will you draw for me? Sadly, no, I didn't do most of the art here. It's rather hard to draw with paws, I've found. However, I can render a little bit, and I do enjoy coloring line art for people. I also do custom textures for VR Chat avatars, if that's your kind of thing.
  • Who are all these furs in the gallery? Most of them are my critters, though some aren't - those in the galleries indicated as such.

Have any more questions? Drop me a line via the contact page!


Site and Content © 1995-2024 Lily Ingersoll unless otherwise specified.
Artwork © its creator.